Tag Archives: Black walnut for parasite cleanse

A close up of some green fruit hanging from a tree.

Black walnuts (Juglans nigra) grow wild across the United States and are the second most cultivated walnut in North America, following English walnuts. They were an extremely important food source and traditional medicine to many North American tribes. Many people think of black walnut trees as a nuisance. They drop their nuts and hulls on driveways, roadways, and lawns, and if they aren’t picked up immediately the green fruit rinds turn black and will stain sidewalks and driveways. This can sometimes leave behind a mess homeowners don’t want to deal with. Walnut bark, leaves and nuts all contain a chemical called juglone, which is toxic to horses, cows and other animals, causing serious health issues that can be fatal if left untreated. Many farmers remove walnut trees in locations they plan to raise livestock for this reason. Aside from this negative aspect, black walnuts are extremely nutritious, and are an…

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