Honey fermented garlic is an old traditional remedy that can be found in most natural medicine cabinets. It is easy to make, delicious and extremely powerful as far as medicinal benefits goes.
Let’s start with our first ingredient garlic, one of the most well-known medicinal foods. Garlic is a plant in the Allium (onion) family, closely related to onions, shallots, and leeks.
Throughout ancient history, the main use of garlic was for its health and medicinal properties and was well documented by many major civilizations, including the Egyptians, Babylonians, Greeks, Romans, and Chinese.
Scientists now know that most of garlic’s health benefits are caused by sulfur compounds formed when a garlic clove is chopped, crushed, or chewed. Other medicinal compounds also attribute to garlic’s amazing healing potential.

Medicinal Benefits of Garlic
• Antibacterial compounds
• Antiviral compounds
• Anti-inflammatory compounds
• Anticancer compounds
• Antifungal compounds
• Reduce oxidative stress
• Helps protect against illness, including the common cold
• Can help reduce blood pressure
• Garlic improves cholesterol levels, which may lower the risk of heart disease
• Garlic contains antioxidants that may help prevent Alzheimer’s disease and dementia
• Helps detoxify heavy metals in the body
It’s easy to see why this vegetable has been so popular throughout the ages and why we still want to use it today.

Our second ingredient is another well known medicine from the past, Raw Honey. Human use of honey is traced to some 8000 years ago as depicted by Stone Age paintings. The ancient Egyptians, Assyrians, Chinese, Greeks and Romans employed honey for wounds and diseases of the gut. The ancient vedic civilization considered honey one of nature’s most remarkable gifts to mankind. A gift from the gods. Traditionally, according to the texts of Ayurveda, honey is a boon to those with weak digestion and can help improve the gut flora bringing balance to the system.
All forms of raw honey naturally contain nutrients and enzymes, which have a variety of health benefits and medical uses.
Medicinal Benefits of Honey
• Good source of antioxidants
• Antibacterial
• Antifungal
• Antimicrobial
• Cough suppressant
• Heals wounds
• Phytonutrient powerhouse
• Help for digestive issues
• Soothe a sore throat
• Brain benefits
Another amazing benefit to honey is the fact that when stored properly, it generally does not spoil. This is due to its strongantimicrobial and antibacterial properties.
While excavating ancient tombs in Egypt’s pyramids, archaeologists found pots of honey that dates back to almost 3,000 years ago. They say that honey never expires, and although it was found crystallized, it was perfectly edible.
From a diet perspective, honey is a healthy alternative to processed sugar and can be used in many baking recipes. It also makes a lovely edition to an evening herbal tea.

Does it matter what kind of honey?
YES! Because we are making this remedy for medicinal use, we want the honey alive with microbes therfore it must be Raw.
Raw honey is simply honey that has not been pasteurized. It is straight from hive to the jar. Unfortunately when we purchase home from our local grocery store, usually it has been pastorized which kills all of the beneficial yeast, bacteria and microbes we need to help with the fermentation process. I always recommend buying your honey from local beekeepers or farmers market. Local honey also helps suppress seasonal allergies as it slowly introduces your body to the plants producing pollen in that area.
Why Fermentation?
You are probably wondering why we are taking the extra step to ferment this remedy when both of these medicines sound powerful enough on their own. That’s great question!
Fermented foods provide many health benefits such as anti-oxidant, anti-microbial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic and anti-atherosclerotic activity. They become a natural source of probiotics for the gut helping to improve over all health.
When we combine the power of honey, garlic and fermentation, we are left with a powerful immune boosting snack.

• 1 cup whole garlic cloves peeled
• 1 cup raw honey or more as needed to cover garlic
Place the peeled garlic cloves into a wide-mouth pint mason jar. Add honey, completely covering the garlic cloves. Make sure they are all coated with honey.
Place the lid on the jar loosely, then place in a dark cabinet. Every day or so, tighten the lid on the jar and flip it upside down to coat the garlic cloves with honey. Loosen the lid again when you return it to the upright position.
Within a few days to a week, depending your homes temperature should see small bubbles start to form on the surface of the honey.
My favorite ferment time seems to be 3 to 4 weeks, but you don’t have to wait that long and can start using it anytime after you see visible signs of fermentation. The flavor will continue to gain potency over time, the garlic will mellow, and the honey will become much runnier.
It’s a good idea to put a plate underneath the jar during fermentation, as it will likely bubble up out of the jar.

Occasionally the garlic cloves turn a bluish or greenish color during the fermentation process. While it may be a bit alarming, it is not harmful and the honey garlic can still be used.
When the flavor meets your desired taste, seal jar and place in a cool cabinet.
Store in a cool place and it will last about a year, if not longer.
Safety considerations
Because honey is a potent antibacterial, bacheloism usually isn’t a concern, but you always want to use common sense when you are fermenting foods. Never consume anything if it has a strange bad smell or you see signs of molding. If you are not sure, don’t eat it.

How to use?
You simply eat the cloves! These tasty treats can be eaten as a preventative measure to winter sicknesses, give you an extra immune boost or even consuming daily as a health maintenance. My family enjoys them straight out of the jar or added to salads. You can also be creative and add them to your cuisines.
The honey can be drizzled over goat cheese, corn bread, oats, sourdough, chicken, etc. or be taken by the spoonfuls as needed.
Honey garlic should NEVER be given to babies under one year of age.
This old time remedy has never lost its reputation. Easy, delicious and sooo easy to make, its a must have remedy for any natural apothecary.
Stay Wild

Kayce Heister
Kayce is a Clinical Herbalist, Naturopathic Practitioner (HHP), Active Forager, Wild Food Chef and Mother of three. She has spent the last 20 years practicing herbalism and natural health, and spends most of her time educating others on the amazing potential the natural world can offer.