Tag Archives: Colloidal silver benefits

A water drop falling into the water with one droplet falling.

The old saying “born with a silver spoon in your mouth” had a meaning that implied more than just a wealthy person. It also meant a healthy person. In colonial times, the upper class seemed to show less signs of sickness, and lived longer fulfilling lives then the average peasant. Wonder why? This health wasn’t just due to the fact that they weren’t working as hard. They certainly didn’t work as hard as the average peasant, but they were still exposed to the same hazards and germs. What was different was that the upper class was eating off of “acual silver” dishes and silverware. Every time these items were used, tiny particles of silver would chip off and be ingested. Silver coins were also placed in water containers to keep the water from spoiling. Of course, when this water was consumed, it provided health benefits. Some say this is when the…

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