The old saying “born with a silver spoon in your mouth” had a meaning that implied more than just a wealthy person. It also meant a healthy person.
In colonial times, the upper class seemed to show less signs of sickness, and lived longer fulfilling lives then the average peasant. Wonder why?
This health wasn’t just due to the fact that they weren’t working as hard. They certainly didn’t work as hard as the average peasant, but they were still exposed to the same hazards and germs. What was different was that the upper class was eating off of “acual silver” dishes and silverware. Every time these items were used, tiny particles of silver would chip off and be ingested.

Silver coins were also placed in water containers to keep the water from spoiling. Of course, when this water was consumed, it provided health benefits. Some say this is when the scientific acknowledgment of silver being considered a healing agent began.
Now, although science likes to discredit the use of silver as a healing alternative, there has been more than enough evidence over the decades to say “it’s good stuff!”
Claimed Benefits
Colloidal silver is said to be a antibacterial, antimicrobial and antiviral. Studies suggest it can eliminate anaerobic pathogens by destroying the enzymes that fend off oxygen molecules, thus oxidizing them to death. Unlike antibiotics, silver is believed to actually have the power to fight off viruses. Strangely enough, although the medical field denies the benefits of using colloidal silver, silver creams and treatments are used in every burn unit of every hospital in the United States. If you’ve ever received a burn and had to buy burn cream at the pharmacy, you can always find “silver” as an active ingredient.
Once again, because of its powerful antibacterial/antiviral properties, it’s been claimed to be one of the best substances on the planet for fighting infection. The fact that they use it in the burn units confirms this.

ANTIVIRAL: Pure silver is considered a powerful antimicrobial— meaning it is antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral. Studies suggest many strains of pathogenic microbes, viruses, fungi, bacteria or any other single-celled pathogens that are resistant to other antibiotics are killed on contact by Colloidal Silver, and are unable to mutate. They are then cleared out of the body naturally by the immune system.
FIGHTS BACTERIA: A Taiwanese study in 2011 discovered that colloidal silver can eradicate the anti-biotic resistant superbugs MRSA and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. It’s claimed to be highly effective when used in conjunction with antibiotics against MRSA and Staph infections. In fact, scientists in the 1980s discovered 650 different types of pathogens that were rapidly destroyed when exposed to small amounts of silver.
Because of this, many herbalist and holistic health practitioners use colloidal silver as a natural antibiotic alternative.

FIGHT INFLAMMATION: Colloidal silver is used (topically and internally) to relieve the pain and discomfort caused by inflammation, swelling and to speed up healing and recovery. It is claimed to boost cell recovery and therefore help the body heal faster.
EYE INFECTIONS: Because it is believed to contain antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, colloidal silver is often used for eye infections like pink eye, conjunctivitis and sties. Simply add two or three drops of colloidal silver to the eye, and repeat three to four times daily. If you prefer, you can use it as an eyewash or spray it gently over the eyes instead.
EAR INFECTION: Ear infections can sometimes be caused by several different types of bacteria, or even fungus. In these cases, prescription drugs may be ineffective as they are designed to work against specific classes of bacteria. Here’s where colloidal silver comes in! Because it has shown to kill so many types of bacteria and fungus, it offers a more promising remedy. Unlike the garlic oil remedy for ear infections, colloidal silver can be used for swimmers ear. Add two drops of colloidal silver to the affected ear once or twice a day until symptoms clear up infections.
ALLEVIATE SKIN CONDITIONS: Psoriasis, pimples, blackheads, white heads, cysts and red, inflamed skin are all painful, uncomfortable and sometimes embarrassing skin conditions. Whether these issues are caused by bacteria, viruses or fungi, they can benefit from a silver treatment, which also helps speed the repair of damaged tissues.
SINUS INFECTIONS: Sinusitis, a continued feeling of pain or pressure in the face, and a blocked nose, can seriously affect the quality of life. Painkillers, steroids and antibiotics are some of the conventional cures prescribed for this nasty condition, but these aren’t without their own unwanted side-effects. Thankfully, natural remedies can be just as potent. Colloidal silver has been found to be effective when used as a nasal spray, according to a 2014 study published in the International Forum for Allergy and Rhinology. It can also be added to a pot of boiling water, and the steam inhaled to relieve nasal and respiratory congestion.

Colloidal Silver For Pets?
Colloidal silver can be a great alternative medicine for pets as well! Cats, dogs and even horses, can benefit from its effectiveness.
Pet Uses
• Eye infections
• Ear Infections
• Skin conditions ( Fungle infection, ringworm, rain rot, yeast infections, etc.)
• Infections ( viral, respiratory, bacterial)
• Wounds
Colloidal silver is basically tasteless and be mixed in pet food or water. Many chicken owners add colloidal silver to their flocks water to prevent disease and sickness. Recommended concentration is 1 teaspoon full of colloidal silver to 1 gallon of water.
As a topical treatment, colloidal silver can be used directly on the skin, fur, etc. Placing it in a spray bottle makes for easy application.
What You Should Know
Now, there are some cautions to consider when using silver solutions as a healing alternative. Some believe it can be used daily as a maintenance, and well technically, high quality solutions can. However, on the contrary, as with anything, overdosing can weaken the effects and cause a build up of silver in the system, which the body does not dispose of efficiently.
“With overuse, it may not be as effective or work at all when you need it to”
We all remember the story of Paul Karason, the blue man or Papa Smurf. Paul had the condition argyria which turned the pigment of his skin blue, terrifying the public, and thus, giving a bad name to Colloidal Silver.
Before you become terrified as well, let me explain Paul’s story and why this happened to him.
Paul admitted publicly that he had been drinking a full quart of poor quality homemade colloidal silver daily, for over course of ten years. His homemade solution contained very large particles of silver, which are not easily processed by the body. Because our skin is our largest organ, the build-up of silver in his body eventually started to seep through his skin. Paul passed away from a heart attack years later which was unrelated to his argyria condition, but his blue reputation continues to live on. The saddest part to Paul’s entire story was that his argyria condition was 100% avoidable.
As long as you are consuming quality made colloidal silver, in moderation, only when needed, you certainly don’t need to worry about situations like Paul’s. No one in the world should be drinking a quart a day of this stuff.
While colloidal silver is considered relatively safe, beneficial and has many uses, it should be used in moderation, only when needed. Over consumption of anything can eventually become problematic.

What To Look For When Purchasing
It’s important to know what you are looking for when purchasing Colloidal silver. Many homemade silver products are produced with poor quality machines. The end result is a solution composed of extremely large particles of silver. The larger the particle size, the harder it is for the cells of the body to absorb and process, therefore, the less beneficial it is.
Large particles can also cause a rapid buildup of silver within the organs. This is exactly what happened to our blue friend Paul. Avoiding solutions with large particles is the safest way to avoid any issues, and receive the most out of its benefits.
Most importantly, find colloidal silver that is no more than ten parts per million (10ppm). This indicates the silver particles are small and concentrated, but not so concentrated that it leads to increased risk for toxicity. They will penetrate the cells quickly and work effectively. There is no real need for a higher particle content. You want to look for products that are true colloidal silver or nano silver (nano indicates extremely tiny particles) that are listed as 100% pure silver. They should not contain any protein or other additives.
Our Pure Colloidal Silver contains 99.9% pure silver nano particles and distilled spring water. These are the only ingredients that should be in a product you purchase. View our “Pure Colloidal Silver” here to learn more.
What About Heavy Metal Toxicity?
Lately there’s been a lot of fear surrounding heavy metal toxicity, and for good reason. Heavy metal poisoning is a real threat we face in the modern age. So why would we consume a heavy metal when we are trying so hard to avoid them?
Technically, silver (Ag) is listed as a “transition metal” on the periodic table. Other metals listed as transition metals include nutritional minerals you would be familiar with, such as chromium, copper, zinc and iron. These are nutrients considered essential to human health, in the proper form and dose. It’s safe to say that we can consider silver more of a metallic mineral than a heavy metal.
For serious concerns about heavy metal toxicity, continue reading here.

Making Your Own
If you are interested in making your own silver solution, I recommend buying a high quality machine. It’s a small investment but one you certainly won’t regret. Quality machines usually come with quality silver. Sterling silver should never be used to make colloidal silver as it contains copper and other metals. You should also avoid purchasing silver from countries such as China, who have been known to coat toxic metals with a silver outer layer. The only silver that should EVER be used for consumption is 99.9% pure silver. Be conscious about where you’re ordering your supplies.
Do not use poor quality machines or homemade contraptions when it comes to the health of you and your family. Safety and health come first.
Safety Considerations
Colloidal Silver when taken in high amounts, can cause argyria. Colloidal silver can also cause poor absorption of certain drugs, such as certain antibiotics and thyroxine (used to treat thyroid deficiency). Speak with your doctor if you are taking medications or have any prior health conditions. Pregnant and nursing women should avoid colloidal silver.

Final Thought
Silver has clearly been helping humans stay healthy for centuries. It’s reputation as a remedy continues to grow as the modern age embraces this metallic mineral.
For the past 15 years I have used colloidal silver on aliments such as bronchitis, flu viruses, pink eye, animal bites, 3rd degree burns and even bacterial infections with great success. This is honestly one of the main reason my three children have never had an antibiotic in their life, and my oldest is 20 years old— to date.
Although my experience with colloidal silver has been amazing, this solution may not be for everyone. Always make the best informed decision on what fits you and your family’s needs.
Stay Wild
Sources below

Kayce Heister
Kayce is a Clinical Herbalist, Naturopathic Practitioner (HHP), Active Forager, Wild Food Chef and Mother of three. She has spent the last 20 years practicing herbalism and natural health, and spends most of her time educating others on the amazing potential the natural world can offer.