There is nothing worse than being woken up in the middle of the night by a screaming child with an ear infection. As a parent, this can make you feel helpless and frustrated. The common response is to rush your child to the hospital or emergency care center, but is this really necessary? In some circumstances, yes, but in most cases, a simple age old remedy “Garlic Ear Oil”, can easily fix the situation.
Garlic has been a valuable medicine to humans long before it was a food. Native to Asia, this bulb’s popularity eventually made it a worldwide favorite. It’s considered one of the strongest natural antibiotics in the world making it a great ingredient for many natural remedies.

Raw garlic contains antiviral, antibiotic and antimicrobial properties which may help fight off viral and bacterial infections.
In today’s world, antibiotics are over-prescribed and many times unnecessary. Many ear infections are due to a viral infection or allergies which antibiotics have no effect on. Garlic ear oil on the other hand is a safe, effective natural alternative, especially for children.

Garlic Ear Oil
What you will need
~ Double boiler
~ 1-2 cloves of garlic chopped or crushed
~ 2 tablespoon olive oil (organic preferably)
~ Cheesecloth
~ Strainer
Step 1: Place your olive oil and chopped garlic in the double boiler. Heat on very low heat, keeping temperatures between 95 and 110°. Anything higher than this will kill the medicinal properties in the garlic. Heat low for 5 – 10 minutes or until the oil starts to strongly smell of garlic.

Step 2. Once the oil is finished infusing, strain it out through a cheesecloth and strainer. Do not skip this step.
Make sure no particles of garlic are left in the oil. This is extremely important. Particles can cause more damage and make the infection worse.
Step 3. Pour strained oil into a glass eyedropper bottle.
Pro Tip: It is convenient when making herbal remedies at home to purchase a laser thermometer. They are inexpensive, and can be a great tool for making remedies such as this one, where the heat must be monitored and remain low.

Fill one dropper full and pour a few drops in the ear, pulling the earlobe down and massaging after. Roll the person over and treat the other ear the same way. It is important that you treat both ears, as the infection will move from one ear to the other.
You can apply oil every 30 minutes or until the pain subsides. Once the pain subsides, usually the infection will be gone.
I have personally found one to two applications to be effective.
You can store garlic oil in the refrigerator for no longer than 2 days, warming when ready for use. Heat gently by sitting in a cup of warm water. You want the oil to be warm to the touch, similar to bottle milk temperature for a baby.
Garlic oil is one of the very few food products that spoils quickly. It’s important that you do not use old oil as it could contain harmful bacteria. Make a fresh batch every 2 days if necessary. Do not use the oil if it smells or looks rancid.
This is not effective and should NOT be used for “swimmers ear” and other instances where infection is caused by water entering the ear. If ear infection does not improve with the garlic oil treatment within 24 hours, or if it gets worse, a trip to your health care provider is in order. Again, make sure there are no particles of garlic left in your oil before you administer. Always make the best informed decision for what suits you and your family’s needs. View our disclaimer here.

Final thought
I have been personally using this remedy for more than 20 years now, and it hasn’t failed me yet. I have found it to be one of the most effective remedies for hearing infections especially those associated with the upper respiratory track.
Having three children, this has been a life saver and saved me many of trips to the emergency room at 3 am. I am forever grateful for this tiny little bulb and the powerful medicinal potential that it truly has.
The next time an ear infection enters your home, grab the garlic instead of the phone. You will not be sorry you did!
Stay Wild
Sources Below

Kayce Heister
Kayce is a Clinical Herbalist, Naturopathic Practitioner (HHP), Active Forager, Wild Food Chef and Mother of three. She has spent the last 20 years practicing herbalism and natural health, and spends most of her time educating others on the amazing potential the natural world can offer.