Turkey Tail Dual Extract




The turkey tail mushroom is one of the most documented superfoods worldwide, that boost and balance the immune system. This mushroom supports both an overactive and an underactive immune system and has long been known to stave off infections including those associated with the common cold or flu. It is believed that turkey tail mushrooms help your immune system become more resilient against ill-causing germs.

Turkey tail mushrooms are best known for their amazing ability to help protect against and treat different types of cancer. They can increase the effectiveness of other anticancer treatments, while helping speed up the recovery. Turkey tail mushrooms also help people fight the negative side effects of treatment options like radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

Extracts of Trametes Versicolor have shown to suppress the growth of breast cancer cells (and other types of cancers) by exhibiting extraordinary effects on the regulation of immune responses. The ancient Chinese pharmacopeia considers the turkey tail medicinal mushrooms one of the most effective natural remedies for various cancers.

Turkey tail mushrooms can also treat and reduce inflammation of the liver (hepatitis), joints (rheumatoid arthritis), and airways (bronchitis). It’s beneficial compounds regulate an overactive immune system, reducing the risk of inflammation as well.

Luckily for us, one of the other turkey tail benefits, is to fight the signs of aging. The turkey tail mushroom is power-packed with antioxidants, including phenol and flavonoids. These antioxidants combat oxidative stress that can be a leading cause of tissue damage, premature aging, and chronic illness. Several studies have reported the antioxidant potential of turkey tail mushrooms due to the 35 different types of phenolic compounds it contains. These protect our genes from mutation, remove toxins from our body and strengthen our immune system.

Turkey tail mushroom is said to help with the following:

Strong muscles and bones

• Vitality

• Immune system

• Cardiovascular and gut health

• Fight against cancer cells

• Liver health

• Strength and endurance

• Balancing blood sugar

• Anti-aging

Supplement Facts


Proprietary Blend 

Trametes versicolor (L.)

Other Ingredients 

Organic Ethanol, Filtered Spring Water 

This product was made using the fruiting bodies of organically cultivated mushrooms. Shake well before using.

Safety Considerations: if you are taking medication, pregnant or nursing, speak to a doctor before taking turkey tail. Test a small spot on the inside of the wrist for any reaction. Do not use if you are allergic to any of the ingredients. If any negative reactions such as gastrointestinal issues (bloating, gas, stomach pain, nausea), heart palpitations, low blood pressure or rash, discontinue use. These side effects are rare but can happen. This product is not FDA approved nor intended to treat, diagnose or cure any illness or disease. Use at your own risk. View our disclaimer here.