The turkey tail mushroom is one of the most documented superfoods worldwide. This mushroom is said to support both an overactive and an underactive immune system and has long been used to ward off infections. It is believed that turkey tail mushrooms helps your immune system become more resilient against invading viruses and bacteria.
In ancient Chinese pharmaceutical, turkey tail has long be revered as a cancer and tumor remedy. While research is limited on this subject, many people around the world still use turkey tail as an integrative or alternative cancer therapy.
Turkey tail mushroom is said to help with the following:
• Strengthen muscles and bones
• Vitality
• Immune system
• Cardiovascular and gut health
• Fight cancer cells
• Liver health
• Strength and endurance
• Balancing blood sugar
• Anti-aging
Supplement Facts
Proprietary Blend
Trametes versicolor (L.)
Other Ingredients
Organic Ethanol, Filtered Spring Water
2 oz Bottle
Shake well before using
This dual extraction was made using the fruiting bodies of organically cultivated mushrooms.
It’s important to note that scientific research on the benefits of medicinal mushrooms is still early on and is not viewed as reliable. In this case our Turkey Tail Elixir is considered a nutritional supplement more than a medicinal one.
Safety Considerations
If you have prior health concerns or are taking medication, speak to a doctor before consuming. Pregnant and nursing women should avoid. This product is not for children. Test a small spot on the inside of the wrist for any reaction. Do not use if you are allergic to any of the ingredients. If any negative reactions such as gastrointestinal issues (bloating, gas, stomach pain, nausea), heart palpitations, low blood pressure or rash, discontinue use. These side effects are rare but can happen. This product is not FDA approved nor intended to treat, diagnose or cure any illness or disease. Use at your own risk. View our disclaimer here.