Cordycep mushrooms are said to exhibit anti-fatigue, anti-aging and anti-cancer properties that help improve energy levels, sex drive and even heart health.
People use Cordyceps for the following:
Exercise and energy: Cordyceps may help improve your athletic ability or performance by increasing cellular ATP (adenosine triphosphate) levels. ATP molecules store energy in the body, releasing it for use in small increments. Because it’s been used as a remedy for weakness/fatigue, people experiencing altitude sickness have been given Corpyceps.
Anti-tumor activity: The National Institutes of Health’s National Library of Medicine’s publication, “Herbal Medicine: Biomolecular and Clinical Aspects 2nd Edition,” tells us that cordycepin, a bioactive component of Cordyceps, is what gives Cordyceps its ability to inhibit metastasis in tumor cells and makes it a potentially useful co-therapeutic treatment for some cancers.
Traditional Chinese Medicine: For hundreds of years, practitioners of TCM have used Cordyceps to treat conditions including liver or renal problems, respiratory diseases, hyperglycemia and cancer or tumor disorders. In 1964 it was officially classified as a drug in Chinese Pharmacopoeia.
Regulate blood sugar: Cordyceps, like many mushrooms, contain vanadium, a trace mineral which may behave like insulin in the body, or boost insulin’s effectiveness.
Boost libido: Male and female sexual dysfunction, including pain disorders and lack of arousal, desire or orgasm, have long been treated with Cordyceps in TCM. A study reported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) acknowledges that many report successful treatment of sexual dysfunction with Cordyceps. It has been reported that Cordyceps supplements did increase the total sperm number, percentage of motile (moving) sperm cells and levels of serum luteinizing hormone (LH). Cordyceps also can help to boost testosterone levels and influence prostate health through the production of DHT.
Eases inflammation: Because Cordyceps contain antioxidants, consuming them may help ease inflammation. If you are experiencing inflammation, you might benefit from trying an anti-inflammatory diet.
Immune and heart health: Cordyceps supplements are also thought to increase immunity and improve heart health.
Supplement Facts
Cordycep Mushrooms (Cordycep sinensis)
Other Ingredients
Organic Vodka, Filtered Spring Water
2 oz bottle
This product is made using the fruiting bodies of organically cultivated mushrooms. Shake well before using.
It’s important to note that scientific research on the benefits of medicinal mushrooms is still early on and is not viewed as reliable. In this case our Cordycep Extraction is considered a nutritional supplement more than a medicinal one.
Saftey Considerations
Possible negative side effects can include upset stomach, nausea and loose stools. People with certain medical conditions such as autoimmune diseases, including multiple sclerosis, inflammatory bowel disease, celiac disease or rheumatoid arthritis should not consume. It’s important to speak to your doctor first if you have prior health concerns or take medication. Pregnant and nursing women should avoid. This product is not for children. Test a spot on the inside of the wrist for any reaction. Do not use if you are allergic to any of the ingredients. These products and statements have not been approved by the FDA nor are they intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. Use at your own risk. View our disclaimer here.
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